2019 Annual Scholarship Ceremony

November 28, 2018

JCMF held its annual scholarship and award ceremony in the Greater Banjul and Basse areas on Saturday November, 17. Scholars and mentees in senior secondary schools were presented with certificates together with the usual items of shoes, uniforms, textbooks and other school supplies. However, this year’s ceremony was special for two reasons: first, JCMF celebrated the successful completion and graduation from high school of two of its foundation scholars and secondly, our scholars and mentees for the first time received special backpacks with school supplies, clothes and hygiene products put together by volunteers, supporters and friends of Jeggan Cole in the USA. Both ceremonies were marked by motivational speeches delivered by guest speakers while the scholars recited inspirational poems as part of the entertainment. Parents, guardians, teachers and religious leaders attended the ceremonies and it was a time of great blessing and thanksgiving.


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