Newspaper Memoriam

My Decade long Journey With Grief: Faith, Purpose, and Gratitude

“Through all the changing scenes of life, in trouble and in joy. The praises of my God shall still, my heart and tongue employ.”  Indeed, through the changing seasons of my long journey with grief, God has been faithful. He has been with me every step of the way, even...
Enduring Hope

Enduring Hope

To everyone who’s been following my grief journey through my yearly blogs on the Jeggan Cole Foundation website, it should come as no surprise that another year is upon us. Indeed, we continue to remember and celebrate the life and legacy of my dear son, Jeggan. For...
Happy Birthday Son, Forever 26

Happy Birthday Son, Forever 26

This day, thirty-five years ago, in a faraway land, Jeggan was born. But life’s curtains forever drawn at twenty-six. His purpose and earthly mission accomplished Then, just as he entered this world And without fretting or fussing He peacefully slipped into the night....
Remembering Jeggan Cole: 2014-2022 – Eight Years Strong

Remembering Jeggan Cole: 2014-2022 – Eight Years Strong

GRIEF WORK AND HEALING It so happened that on the eight-year anniversary of Jeggan’s passing, I celebrated a milestone birthday. Even with life’s trauma, it is a momentous and joyful time to be alive and for that I am eternally grateful. I have no doubt in my mind...
Remembering Jeggan Cole: 2014-2022 – Eight Years Strong

Jeggan Cole 2014-2021 – Seven Year Anniversary

Seven Year Anniversary: Counting My Blessings Through the Lens of the Pandemic. Celebrating another year into my journey of grief and healing against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. It goes without saying that the past year has been tough with widespread...