Jeggan Cole Foundation Refurbishing School Library

July 17, 2023

It goes without saying that a well established library is an integral part of any educational institution. However and regrettably so, this is not the case for many of the schools in the rural areas of the Gambia. As a result, many students go through school without ever stepping into a library. Given the visible absence of a functional library in the regional school system as well as the community, JCMF, in partnership with a local school (St George’s Upper Basic School), located 373 km from the capital Banjul, agreed to extend and refurbish their dilapidated school library.

Four years ago, the Foundation scratched and scraped and also with support from the Lipsy family sought to extend and refurbish the existing structure. Presently, the newly refurbished library now seats thirty students with a section for a computer lab and group work. The Foundation is presently scouting for additional books, laptops computers, a copier and printer to fully equip the library.

There are plans currently underway to officially open the library later this year. The students are eagerly waiting for the opening of library to start making use of its invaluable resources. With whatever additional support JCMF can garner, we can together make this happen for the students. I am counting on the generosity of friends of the Foundation for your support. Thanks.


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